Friday, August 19, 2011

august 19th dream

last night i dreamt that my family was super heros and we all had to save different parts of the world. i was superman david was wolverine david 2 was green lantern ali had the power to fly andie could run super fast laura could stretch amber could control technology and mom could make force fields. while we were all saving different parts of the world a superhero started killing off superheroes because he had the power of stealing other peoples powers and then using them to kill them. when we all heard about this we all got together and went to fight him. while we were fighting amber and andie got there powers taken away but were not killed then he was cornered by me nielsen and david and he just disappeared into thin air... 
then nielsen woke me up by ringing the door bell.......

Thursday, August 18, 2011

august 18th dream

last night i dreamt i was at the quidditch world cup with harry potter and the weaslys. i dreamt that harry potter was some how playing in it but sitting next to me at the same time. harry potter caught the golden snitch and the match was over then all the tents and the stadium were caught on fire and voldemort came out and challenged harry potter to a duel. the duel was going on for forever and it looked like voldemort was going to kill harry potter until some random guy ran up behind voldemort and used avada kedevara. the guy was then killed by the death eaters but not before the order of the phoenix overtook the death eaters and mad eye moody killed all of them.......       then i was woken up by my alarm wisconsin hear i come!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

august 17th dream

last night i dreamt that i was in the mountains and for some reason walking on a road with random people i dont know. then a big semi truck stopped us and the middle aged man with a beard got out and started rambling on and on about stuff. randomly galapagos tortoises appeared behind the truck. he asked us if we wanted to buy a baby one i said yes. i got a baby tortoise and magically i was at my house then this blonde lady appeared and was like thats my tortoise then she was like you can have for sixty bucks then mom appeared and was like ill buy it so mom bought the tortoise i bought from the truck driver that was actually the blonde lady's that i payed for.... then i woke up

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


last night i dreamt that my dog harriet had came back to life from her untimely demise and was acting strange. then randomly i walked out side and there were little bulldog puppies sitting next to her. then my mom came home and was like what is all that barking in the back yard. when she walked outside she picked up one of the puppies and told us we could keep them then i was woken up by babies screaming...

mom i hope you read this and decide to get me a little english bulldog puppy......

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dreams from August 15th.

last night i dreamed that i went swimming at three am. while i was doing laps in the pool a shark came out from under me but i guess i was a wizard because i pulled out my wand and used the spell stupify. then i swam next to the shark but it turned out to be victor krum from hp4.  then somehow we transported to hogwarts and we stared dueling i used expelliarmus. victor krum used avada kedavra. so if i lost i die sucks much. then i realized he had the elder wand so i was like ohhhh crappppppp then i stared losing the duel and then i woke up. so im pretty sure i died.....